
Confessions of a Cheater: Understanding Infidelity


One of my friends gave me a bit of advice about being real in my writing. You know, just putting it all out there. And what’s more real than admitting that I’ve been a serial cheater? When it comes to being unfaithful, I’ve been there, done that, and can even give you a play-by-play of why I did it and why I might just do it again. My hope is that by sharing my messy journey, I can help someone else who’s been through the wringer because of cheating or maybe even connect with fellow cheaters who, like me, are owning their truth. If you’re looking for a quick answer, scroll down to the conclusion. 

My Current Situation:

I’m flying solo these days, and I’ve been loving it for a couple of years now. No relationships, no drama. I’m not ruling out the possibility of something happening down the road, but for now, I’m good just taking care of me. And yeah, I’ve had a few offers to dive back into the dating pool, but I’ve waved them off. I’m just not interested.

Why My Exes Shouldn’t Read This:

Okay, so here’s the deal: I’ve never been in a relationship where I didn’t stray. Yeah, I know, it’s a bombshell. But seriously, if you’re one of my exes thinking, “She definitely didn’t cheat on me!”—think again. 

I could put on a show about being cheated on while pulling the wool over their eyes the whole time. This all started because I was a revenge cheater. That means I would find out I was being cheated on, and use it as a pass to do what I wanted. That evolved into me cheating with or without confirmation, then it evolved again into full cheating mode. 

Why I Did It:

No excuses here, just straight-up honesty: I cheated because I wanted to. Simple as that. 

When searching for an explanation for your partner’s infidelity, look no further: they did it because they wanted to. Don’t allow others to cloud your understanding or place the blame on your shoulders. It boils down to their choice, plain and simple. I’m fully prepared to stand ten toes down on this one. It happened because they wanted it to happen. 

Did I Care About How I Made Others Feel?:

While being caught was rare, it was definitely inconvenient and led to a barrage of names thrown my way, its impact on me was far less than I let on. Truth is, I was just eager to wrap up the conversation and move on. Cue the “narcissist” label, right? Let’s delve into this. Initially, I’d invest heavily in my partner’s emotions, but eventually, that shifted for various reasons. By the time infidelity entered the picture, I was emotionally checked out. Sure, I’m equipped with a heart, emotions, and empathy, but they don’t come with a lifetime warranty. Once I hit that “fuck it” point, there’s no turning back. Even relationships as brief as two months couldn’t withstand my indifference. Really, I’m far from being a narcissist, and unless you’re a phycologist seeing someone as a patient, stray far away from providing anyone a diagnosis, por favor. 

Why Not Just Leave?:

Ever wondered, post-cheating, “Why not just walk away instead of betraying me?” Brace yourself for this one. It’s simply more convenient to stay put. Who wants to engage in a drawn-out argument about parting ways? And if we’re living together, moving out can become even messier.

The Unstoppable Urge:

There’s always that one individual whose call I can’t resist. Ever. So, I’ve adopted a policy of brutal honesty with potential partners: I will cheat. Surprisingly, this upfront approach has proven more effective than masquerading as someone I’m not. I’ve even had to clarify that I’m dead serious and not issuing a challenge. And before you inquire, no, I’m not interested in a relationship with said individual, given that our involvement began with infidelity. So, count me out.

Back to The Current Situation:

Nowadays, I’m safeguarding both others’ feelings and perhaps even lives by flying solo. After all, being on the receiving end of infidelity can drive people to extremes.

In Conclusion:

People cheat because they want to. That’s it. That’s the blog

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